Bookshops, booksellers and customers

Bookshops, booksellers and customers

Jen Campbell: Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (Constable 2012)

Jen Campbell: More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (Constable 2013)

Jen Campbell is an award-winning poet and writer who works in non-fiction and fiction genres, and has also published volumes of poetry. She has worked in the book publishing industry for over fifteen years, initially as a bookseller and now as a freelance editor, content creator and disability advocate. She writes book reviews and runs a YouTube channel where she talks about books, the history of fairy tales, and the representation of disability. She also holds online writing workshops.

The Weird Things Customers Say in Bookstores series grew out of a blog where, over the years, booksellers have uploaded their funny and not-so-funny experiences about customers who have wandered in. In the book, we can read the witty phrases heard in the Edinburgh Bookshop and the Ripping Yarns bookshop in London (Jen’s workplace), and then the weird things collected from all over the world. The book was such a great success that a sequel was also published, where interesting things sent by librarians were also included in addition to the previous ones, and we can also find some weird things customers said at the signings of Weird Things…

The writer also has a book called The Bookshop Book, in which we can read about special bookstores around the world and their similarly special owners.