Liz Kessler: The Tail of Emily Windsnap (Orion 2020)
Lisa Stringfellow: A Comb of Wishes (HarperCollins 2022)
Anna Rainbow and Oli Hyatt: Antigua de Fortune of the High Seas (Chicken House 2021)
Amy Raphael: The Ship of Cloud and Stars (Orion 2022)
Maria Kuzniar: The Ship of Shadows – Secrets of the Stars (Penguin Books 2021)

“Books in the stream” was the first Readathon that I not only participated in, but also organized. Sometimes, I plan what I will read in the given period, and on BogiWrites there have been several times that I have presented books of a similar genre or theme one after the other. This is also because if I like a topic, I want to read additional similar books. Nick Hornby said that our readings are connected to each other like links in a chain, there is always a point of connection between them. That’s why I like cataloging the books I’ve read in order of reading, not alphabetically. The TBR list helped me not to wander off in another direction, but to carry the “sea” theme throughout the month.
I read a lot of good books during the Readathon. Lisa Stringfellow’s novel was my favorite, which is one of the best book experiences of the year for me. It’s an interesting coincidence that all the books followed female protagonists, but I really liked it. I also read the second volume of Liz Kessler’s series, which I also liked, but unfortunately, I didn’t have time for the third one. Maybe I’ll read it next summer, maybe the fourth book comes out by then. The Riddle of the Sea by Jonne Kramer did not make it to the list. This book is a translation, since the author is Dutch. This wasn’t even on the TBR list, because I got it in the middle of the Readathon and hoped to be able to read it, but it’s also the victim of some delays.
I hope you enjoyed this Readathon. Towards the end of the year, I’m planning something similar. Until then, enjoy reading!