Pride book recommendations

Pride book recommendations

L.D. Lapinski: Jamie (Orion 2023)

Jamie had a big secret. A secret that has affected their entire life. Until they told their secret: They are neither a boy nor a girl. They are non-binary. When they shared this secret with their friends and family, everyone in their closer environment accepted them and their life became much easier. Until it was time to choose the secondary school. There are only two schools in the town: one for boys and one for girls. Jamie is faced with a choice…

Ashley Herring Blake: The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James (Little, Brown & Company 2020)

When Sunny St. James gets a new heart, she decides that her life will be different from this moment on. She makes a plan: 1) she will do amazing things she never dared to or could not do before; 2) find a new best friend; and 3) she finally kisses a boy. But when she executes the first two steps of her plan, with the help of her new best friend Quinn, Sunny questions whether she really wants to kiss a boy. The situation is complicated by the return of her mother, who left her daughter with her best friend 8 years ago because she was an alcoholic. Now she also wants to start a new life. Meanwhile, Sunny starts writing songs to process what is happening inside and around her.

David Levithan: Answers in the Pages (Alfred A. Knopf 2022)

A book needs both a writer and a reader. Because one sentence can be interpreted in many ways. Especially if that sentence is the last sentence of a novel. Donovan’s class is currently reading an exciting book, The Adventurers. Donovan’s mother also reads it, but she is not at all satisfied with what she sees. Soon however, the whole town is speculating whether the book’s main characters are gay or not. But does it matter?

L. D. Lapinski: The Strangeworlds Travel Agency (Orion Children’s Books 2020)

Strangeworlds Travel Agency is in Little Wyverns, a small town in England and it is not an ordinary travel agency. There is no computer in it, but there are plenty of different battered and worn suitcases with which we can travel not only to other countries but to other worlds as well. When Felicity Hudson goes into this agency, she will be part of a magical adventure, and also make friends forever.

Cerrie Burnell: Swifter than Starlight (Gyorsabb a csillagfénynél* Puffin Books 2023)

Wild Rose, the girl who was raised by wolves, and Aurelia, the cursed princess, fled Silverthorn with the forest folk and all who feared the Queen. They set up camp in the forest of another kingdom, and since then their camp has welcomed everyone who has been ostracized by society for some perceived or real fault. Seven years have passed like this. Lilac also ran away from her evil stepmother and left her sister Clover behind. Hester is Aurelia’s sister, who finally got her lost sister back and found a new friend in the camp. Their fate is intertwined with the future of the kingdoms, when the relative peace ends with the disappearance of the prince.