Nóra Tomcsik: A hercegnő és a sárkányok dala (The Princess and the Song of the Dragons*) (Mogul Kiadó 2021)
Nóra Tomcsik: A kapitány és a szirének földje (The Captain and the Land of the Sirens*) (Mogul Kiadó 2021)
Many thanks to Mogul Kiadó for sending me the books!

Nóra Tomcsik already wrote tales when she couldn’t even write: she drew the stories. After drawing, she was also interested in photography and filmmaking, but in the end, writing novels became what she could best express herself in. She usually writes historical fiction, but the two volumes of the Chronicles of Beleanord are adventurous fairy tales. They have everything you need for a good fairy tale: knights, princes, princesses, dragons and a hint of magic.
’The Princess and the Song of the Dragons’ is the first volume of the chronicles. With the help of Sir Marcus, the famous knight, Edmund and Felicia must find the dragons that have been sleeping for two hundred years and are now believed to be just legends. The future of the four kingdoms of Beleanord depends on their mission.
’The Captain and the Land of the Sirens’ takes place 16 years after the first book, when Brennan, the young ship captain, must complete a dangerous mission: to reach the hidden empire of Badanusai. Arlienne, the daughter of Edmund and Felicia helps him in the adventure.
The heroes of the stories show how important courage and cooperation are in life. I liked the second volume even more than the first because it shows what happened to the characters of the first part after the big adventure and we can also get to know new characters. Furthermore, it builds and expands the world presented so far. I also really liked the cover which reminds me of a paper theater. The next volume, entitled ’The Prince and the Sword of the Giants’*, will be published soon and I can’t wait to read it!
*my translations
The books can be purchased in the Könyvmogul web shop:
To learn more about the writer’s work, visit her website: Tomcsik Nóra – szerzői oldal