The unique Charlie McGuffin

The unique Charlie McGuffin

Sam Copeland: Charlie Changes Into a Chicken (Penguin Books 2019)

Sam Copeland: Charlie Turns Into a T-Rex (Penguin Books 2019)

Charlie is an unusual little boy. He can transform into an animal. He just doesn’t know why and what kind of animal he will become. It all started three weeks after his ninth birthday, when he got home from the hospital where he visited his brother. In other ways, however, Charlie is completely normal. He is like you or me. He is an optimist, but he thinks a lot about certain things. About things that he is afraid of, but he doesn’t dare or cannot tell them. It’s lucky that he has friends who are always there for him.

No wonder you recognized Charlie when you read about him. His story is about anxiety and overcoming it. It is about how important is the role of positive thoughts, but also of not suppressing bad thoughts, but facing them. The main point of the story is that even if we think that bad things happen only to us, don’t forget that we are not alone. In my opinion, all children and adults should read these books!

Sam Copeland was born in Manchester and currently lives in London with his family. He is still looking for an answer to the question „Who am I?”. His first book Charlie Changes into a Chicken won numerous awards and was followed by two sequels. The author’s books always convey important and serious topics, but he takes the edge off with humor. Greta and the Ghost Hunters became one of my favorite reads this year and I will definitely read the author’s other books as well.